There's a lot to be said for golf. It's a mental game as well as a physical one. Many people consider it a difficult game to play since it requires focus and form. I have to admit that there are many times when I feel
like listing my clubs on eBay and walking away. So why do I continue to play?

Golf is one of the few games that you can play throughout your entire
lifetime—from an early age through retirement years. It is a place where you
can go to get exercise and appreciate the outdoors, where you can meet new
people, and where you can play a quick nine-hole round by yourself or with your
spouse, significant other or friend.
Most golfers will unanimously agree that golf courses are some of the most charming and appealing places on this earth. They are environmentally
friendly, well-groomed, and landscaped. They encourage many species of birds such
as ducks, herons, and cranes with their bodies of water; and many position birdhouses
among the flora to entice bluebirds, catbirds, and wrens, to name a few, to
You will find the most beautiful flowers, plants, and trees as well as other
wildlife on golf courses. Even though I’m convinced trees have been planted to tease
the golfer who slams a drive and bounces their errant ball off a pine or palm,
I’m aware they are an integral part of beautifying the course and offering much-needed
shade. I have seen raccoons, bald eagles, snakes, squirrels, and turtles on the
courses I’ve played.

Golf courses are all over our fifty states, all over the world. I’ve
only been playing for about ten years, but each time I play, I find it exciting
to stand on the tee, feel the sunshine on my face, listen to the lyrics of the
birds, and breathe in the clean air.
And, I also know if I don’t keep score, I can have two fun-filled hours
in our great outdoors.