MAY 1ST QUESTION:  How do you deal with distractions when writing? Do they derail you?

I've been a writer all my life for industry and education, but I'm now retired and writing fiction. If I had a deadline when I was working, I was never distracted. My paycheck depended upon delivery. 

I do continue to blog once a month here on "A Writer's Revelations." I've been doing it for the last thirteen year, since 2011 on this site, blogger.comBut I'll admit, I've taken a more "kick-back" attitude to my fiction writing these days. And yes, I also admit that I can easily be distracted. Besides writing, I also do woodworking and needle crafts.

I don't worry about being derailed. I'm inclined to believe there is no such thing as writer's block, but rather the creative mind need to rest and rejuvenate. How? By doing other activities like reading, walking, listening to music, or engaging in another hobby or pursuit. I believe that "derailment" is good the your muses and your mind, and good for your health and well-being.

I'm curious to see how others answer this question.


1 comment:

  1. Hi, Judy Ann! Like you, my working careers involved lots of writing, and there's nothing like a deadline and a paycheck to keep you at it! I'm retired as well, but I write daily in some form. May your muses be good to you in May!
