Do you take time to hear the song of the birds in the morning or the serenade of insects at night? Do you pause to hear the far off lonely sound of a train whistle? Do you stop what you’re doing to gaze skyward and enjoy a colorful cloud formation floating across the sky? When you see a bed of vibrant flowers that catches your eye, do you stoop to touch their soft petals and smell their fragrance?
We all need to take time to pay attention to what is around
us and make a connection to the world and the people in it. To live means
seeing, sensing, and connecting with everything and everyone around us—using our
five senses of taste, sight, touch, hearing and smell. It’s taking time to appreciate our marvelous
planet and its people. It’s also a wonderful way to squeeze in a few moments of
calmness, awareness, and sheer enjoyment in our chaotic lives...and maybe share
those moments with others as well.
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