The History of Jack-O’-Lanterns
Where did we get the tradition of carving jack-o’-lanterns
for Halloween? Supposedly, the practice of decorating and carving
jack-o’-lanterns comes from the Celts who held a festival of Samhain each year
and believed Samhain was a time when supernatural beings and souls of the dead
roamed the earth. The custom arrived in America with Irish immigrants where it
became an integral part of Halloween festivities.

According to Irish folktale, a miserable man and drunk named
Stingy Jack enjoyed playing tricks on people, including the devil. Unable to
enter heaven or hell after his death, he was destined to roam the earth
listlessly. Jack placed a piece of coal into a carved-out, large turnip and
used it as a lantern to keep the evil spirits away. Today in America, pumpkins
are carved into jack-o-lanterns, lit, and placed outside of doorways for the
same purpose.
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Rancher Tye Ashmore is content with life until he meets
quiet and beautiful Maria. He falls in love at first sight, but her reluctance
to jeopardize her teaching position by accepting his marriage proposal only
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When their lives are threatened by gunshots and a gunnysack
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enemy. Not until Maria receives written threats urging her to leave does
she realize she might be the target instead of the handsome rancher.
With the help of Tye, Abigail, and a wily Indian called Two
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