Monday, October 24, 2016

Snarkology Halloween Blog Hop

          The History of Jack-O’-Lanterns
 Where did we get the tradition of carving jack-o’-lanterns for Halloween? Supposedly, the practice of decorating and carving jack-o’-lanterns comes from the Celts who held a festival of Samhain each year and believed Samhain was a time when supernatural beings and souls of the dead roamed the earth. The custom arrived in America with Irish immigrants where it became an integral part of Halloween festivities.

According to Irish folktale, a miserable man and drunk named Stingy Jack enjoyed playing tricks on people, including the devil. Unable to enter heaven or hell after his death, he was destined to roam the earth listlessly. Jack placed a piece of coal into a carved-out, large turnip and used it as a lantern to keep the evil spirits away. Today in America, pumpkins are carved into jack-o-lanterns, lit, and placed outside of doorways for the same purpose.

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Hired as the town’s school teacher, Maria O’Donnell and her sister Abigail arrive in the Colorado Territory in 1875, only to find the uncle they were to stay with has been murdered.
Rancher Tye Ashmore is content with life until he meets quiet and beautiful Maria. He falls in love at first sight, but her reluctance to jeopardize her teaching position by accepting his marriage proposal only makes him more determined to make her part of his life.
When their lives are threatened by gunshots and a gunnysack of dangerous wildlife, Tye believes he is the target of an unknown enemy. Not until Maria receives written threats urging her to leave does she realize she might be the target instead of the handsome rancher.
With the help of Tye, Abigail, and a wily Indian called Two Bears, Maria works to uncover her uncle’s killer and put aside her fears. But will she discover happiness and true love under Colorado’s starry skies?    Link: UNDER STARRY SKIES

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                              Visit Other Blogs Here!
1.The Snarkology2.Rachael Slate
3.Tena Stetler4.Jami Brumfield
5.Gwen Knight6.Rebecca Rivard
7.Beth Caudill8.Linda Nightingale
9.Lissa Matthews 10.Amy Lee Burgess
11.Peggy Jaeger12.Katalina Leon
13.Michelle Fox14.Bethany Shaw
15.Dena Garson16.Annie Nicholas
17.RE Butler18.Tami Lund
19.Jax Daniels20.Elle Clouse
21.Cecilia Dominic22.Elianne Adams
23.Judy Ann Davis24.K.K. Weil
25.Sophia Kimble26.Sorchia DuBois
27.Sheryl R. Hayes28.C.E. Black
29.Candace Blevins30.Ripley Proserpina
31.Kat De falla32.Maureen L Bonatch
33.Nancy Fraser34.Sharon Buchbinder
35.Willa Blair36.Beth Trissel
37.Lori King38.Katie O'Sullivan
39.Rea Thomas40.Dani-Lyn Alexander
41.Julia Mills42.Bryce Evans
43.Lori Whyte44.Crystal Dawn
45.Ani Gonzalez46.Merryn Dexter
47.Karen Michelle Nutt48.Erin Bevan
49.Devon McKay50.Barbara Edwards
51.Draven St. James52.Jana Richards
53.Amanda Uhl54.Anita Philmar
55.Shadows of Romance56.The Wiccan Haus
57.Dominique Eastwick58.Eva Lefoy
59.Isabel Micheals60.Ever Coming
61.Jocelyn Dex62.Liv Hadden
63.Michele Bardsley64.Kathyrn Knight
65.Casi McLean66.Shifters Hallows Eve

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

FALL CHORES: Learning Patience

With fall officially here, I start to think of all the projects I have to accomplish before the winter snows fly in Pennsylvania. I'm reminded of a phrase: “If you don’t have the time to do it right, when will you get the time to do it over?”
Everyone loves to finish his or her projects. Completing them gives you a feeling of self-confidence and personal joy. But sometimes I find myself rushing through chores, not enjoying the moment, but always thinking of the next thing that needs to be done after I’m finished with the work at hand.

I’ve learned my need to find closure with one chore, if done quickly, can sometimes lead to carelessness and can sometimes add more complications and time while I fix what I’ve done in haste. 

My mother called it “patience.” And boy, oh boy, did she have patience with every task she accomplished. She was a perfectionist, but she never grew tired of performing at only her best. 

This fall I’m going to try to be more patient even if I don’t accomplish my long list of “things to do.” 

What fall tasks are on your list for October?  Whatever they are, I’m wishing you lots of patience to get them done!