Entertainers of the West #4
Today I'd like to welcome California Author Linda Carroll-Bradd with her novel, Bailing Wire Promises, Linda writes novels in both contemporary and historical settings with a sweet-to-sensual tone. Although she was born in northern California, she and her husband also spent three years in central Oregon early in their marriage before moving to southern California for her husband to attend college. Later, they also lived a dozen years in San Antonio, Texas before relocating to the southern California mountains in 2012.
What does she do to relax? In her words….
"My favorite relaxation comes when I’m lost in a good book that carries me away to another place and time--writing so good that I can turn off my editor brain and just enjoy. Especially if we have taken our mini-RV out for a weekend, away from being interrupted by tasks related to my husband’s job.”
Let’s find out more about Linda:
Where do you start when writing? Research, plotting, outline, character, etc.?
The first thing I do is start building my characters. I have to know their names and ethnic backgrounds and the bare bones of the conflict. Then I dive into research. I want my historicals as accurate as I can make them and am fastidious about checking when certain items were invented and where, what stagecoach or train routes ran through a particular area, costs of everyday items, what the clothes were like, etc. because each of those details affects the plot. We live onsite where my husband works at a mountain resort camp and are 35 miles away from population centers in opposite directions. So to drive to get groceries (or any errand) takes 30 minutes, and when I travel with hubby, I read a lot of my research during those trips (sometimes aloud) to pass the time.
Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?
Getting the dialogue right for a time 130 to 150 years ago is tough. Even reading journals of the era don’t give a true sense, because most of us write more formally than we speak. This is a craft area I’m constantly tweaking.
What book(s) are you reading now?
I’m usually reading a writing craft book to improve my technique and strengthen my skills, as well as a research book. So the titles are: Creating Character Arcs by K.M. Weiland and The Legendary Appaloosa by Cheryl Dudley. But for pleasure, I just finished a medieval paranormal titled Faerie by Delle Jacobs that I adored.
BLURB:Healer Fantine Pomeroy and five children, aged five to eleven years, are the only survivors of an orphanage fire. She vows to transport them safely to another orphanage, and then she can return to her music studies. But she soon discovers the task may be more than she can handle.
Bounty hunter Pete Andrews is beaten after delivering his last bounty. Unsure if robbery or retaliation is the motive, he sets out to lay low and make a visit to his brother in Morgan’s Crossing. Unable to leave them on their own, he promises to get the woman and children safely to the next town. When he suspects his old life has followed him and threatens the group who has become dear, he vows to protect them. But will that be enough?

Amazon buy link: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XP61NY8
Website www.lindacarroll-bradd.com
Blog http://blog.lindacarroll-bradd.com
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