As a wife and mother, I’ve often talked with other married women about their pet peeves family members seem oblivious to--and which drive us "straight to the moon."
1. Unmade beds. Everyone should make his/her bed. Please don’t placate me with the excuse you didn’t have time. It takes two or three minutes. There is a saying, “Unmade bed, unmade head.” Start you day our right and end your day slipping between sheets and blankets that don’t look as if a herd of disgruntled buffalo organized a stampede through the room.
2. The kitchen
sink is not the dishwasher. There is no little elf or industrious dwarf who miraculously
schleps the dishes from the sink or countertop and stacks them in the
dishwasher. But I will tell you that there is a “Grumpy” female dwarf if it’s
not done. Oh, by the way, while we’re talking about dishes, please rinse your
dishes and glasses when you’re finished eating or drinking. It helps when soften
the grumpiness, just a tad.
4. Take out the trash. Please don’t try to squash the last pizza box onto the top of the already overflowing waste paper can! This is the one time when all men’s spatial perception flies out the window and heads for Mars. I’ve watched men crush pop cans in their bare hands to try to make the “little sucker” fit the last two-inch space in the trash can and spare them the task of taking the entire heap outside to the proper receptacle.
5. Pick up your shoes and stash them out of the way. Anyone, who has ever stumbled over a size 13 shoe coming in the entrance way or better yet, waltzed into the bedroom in the dark and stumbled over a shoe worn by Big Foot, knows what I’m saying here. If others wanted to jump hurdles, they’d enter a television survival show.
[P.S. Changing the toilet paper roll won't make you brain dead.]
Now it’s your turn, ladies and gents, to add your favorite pet peeve.
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