Worry often gives a small thing a big
shadow—Swedish Proverb
Are you a person who
worries? With the current problems we
are now facing with the COVID-19, I’m certain there is a lot of worry going
on over the entire world. However, worry does absolutely nothing for our
physical, emotional, or spiritual health. It makes us anxiety-ridden and often
prone to blow a small situation or thought into a giant one, casting a big
dark shadow upon our lives.
Generally, if we dissect our
worries, we’ll find that they are either something that happened in the past or
something we think that might happen in the future. So, while we’re focusing on
what is bothering us, we forget to live in the present.

What is my favorite way of
dispelling worry? I find a quiet place, usually outdoors on our patio swing, and
clear my mind. It’s my form of meditating. I also talk to myself and repeat my
very favorite saying: “Never let anyone steal your joy.” At times, I have had
to revise the phrase to include: “Never let anyone (or anything) steal your
joy.” Whatever best works for you, do it. Yes, these are unfortunate times, but
we must not give up hope and allow ourselves to hide in the shadows of despair.
Emily Dickinson said, “Find
ecstasy in life; the mere sense of living is joy enough.”
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Although I don’t have a release date yet for HUCKLEBERRY HAPPINESS,” the edits are finished. Here are the cover and blurb:

The Pennsylvania Railroad is searching for the perfect dessert for its passengers. Joe Sawicki, owner of Sawicki Brothers Ice Company, is certain Emelia can win the contest and the hundred- dollar bonus if she creates a special ice cream to accompany her popular huckleberry pies. He has loved her since they played hooky in grade school to explore the company’s ice cave.
Can Emelia find courage to stand up to the town’s bully to win the competition? And will Joe have the mettle to express his undying love and win first place in Emelia’s heart?