Black Friday is over, thank goodness, and now the holiday shopping will begin
with voracious zeal. This year, I’m content to do some buying on the internet. I
admit I’m more inclined to shop small businesses and take a peek at Cyber
Monday to snag some deals before I’ll ever consider leaving the safety of my
home to fight throngs of frenzied Christmas shoppers at the malls.

Did you know there are over 4000 results for “toys and games – for
children from birth to twenty-four months” on Amazon? They even have a plastic Radio
Flyer – My first 2-in-1 Red Wagon. And there are enough pull and push toys to
circle the globe if strung end-to-end. Don’t get me started on books. There is
over 5000 of them for one-year-old children alone.

I neglected to tell my son when he called the other day that he should save all the
big boxes. Kids seem to love the boxes as much as the toys inside them. I’ve
even considered sending some empty boxes up to the Last Wilderness. But maybe,
I’ll put a set of drums in one of them. Pay back is always fun.
If you have grandchildren, use the comment box below and share what’s
on your gift list for your grandchildren this year.
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