“August rain: the best of the summer gone,
and the new fall not yet born. The odd uneven time.
~Sylvia Plath
Here she come comes…August
and her last days of summer. I don’t know how those days flew by so fast. My
husband saw some sumac changing to red on one of his many jaunts around the
area. For many, myself included, it’s one of the harbinger of fall.
And who doesn’t think summer
is sliding to an end when our local Clearfield County Fair gets underway? If
you are anywhere in the vicinity of the fairgrounds during fair week, you can
smell its presence. The sweet smell of cotton candy and waffles dunked in sugar
wafts in the air with the flavored smoke of hamburgers, hotdogs, beef, and hot sausage
cooking on burners under the concession stands. Anyone who owns land near the
fairgrounds have lawns and driveways that look like parking lots. Children
gather in groups to lose their money on games of chance or to ride any fast
moving mechanical apparatus that swings its riders high into the air and twirls
them around and around.
Speaking of lawns in Central
Pennsylvania, they are morphing into shades of light brown—which means less
mowing, less gasoline consumed, and less work. Scott is not heartbroken over
this occurrence, even though he agrees a thunder storm once in a while is a
welcome relief from the heat we’ve been having.
August is the month of
reaping what we sow. Tomato plants, scattered around in my flowerbeds, are
dressed in bunches of still green tomatoes. But if you’re lucky, you can find a
handful of small red cherry ones to whet your appetite or to use for a treat on
your salad. Why do the flavor of fresh juicy tomatoes from the garden taste
better than any you can buy at a store?
This year, we tried a bucket
garden again, concentrating on spices. We now have parsley, lemon thyme,
rosemary, sage, mint, along with two buckets of marigolds and a bucket of
lettuce. I also have chives in a bed and a container of basil on our patio. What
get used the most? Ironically, it’s the chives that come up each year without
fuss or coaxing.
For some odd reason, instead
of writing, my wandering mind and body heads off to do other chores that need
my attention. I think it’s called procrastination. It’s one of my many talents.
Do you have an activity or special summer chore you put off despite the nagging
of a little voice inside your head?
I’m always curious to hear
how others enjoy the end of the summer season. Drop me a line in the comment
section below. And, let’s enjoy August as summertime in all her sunny glory abdicates
and autumn splendor ascends the throne next.