Wednesday, January 1, 2025


The beginning of each year is always filled with thoughts that we need to make changes in our lives. I think of January as the month of anxiety, tension, and resolutions. You can throw in upheaval, too, if you like.   

There are two kinds of guilt. The first is the unhealthy guilt that there will be terrible consequences if you don’t accomplish certain tasks or do certain things, such as exercise every day, clean the house every Saturday, forget to attend a meeting or an appointment, etc. Then there is the healthy guilt which is a natural response to the current circumstances, such as hoping to continue or pursue a hobby you’ve neglected, missing being with family members, or even as simple as forgetting to turn the dishwasher on.

Whether it’s an unhealthy one or a healthy one, I’m not a fan of making resolutions and putting pressure on my life or increasing stress. I do believe that we can make decisions or intentions for our betterment as we look to the future. Life itself, with all its quirks, is often pressure enough without strict guidelines, rules, or repetitive activities for successfully living each day. Maybe what we need is to make a list of all things we want to “enjoy in 2025” instead. How about that for a change?

Author Victoria Erickson says it best:
“Just a little reminder that you don’t have to make resolutions,
or huge decisions or big proclamations.
You can just set some sweet intentions and take each day as it comes.”

Happy New Year!

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